My Story
This is a matter of pride for the college as it has been selected as one of the model colleges of Rajasthan only 10 Government & 11 non-government colleges have been selected as Model Colleges. Our college is one of 11 non-government college. This is to mention here that there are around 400 colleges in total are in Rajasthan. It has become possible only due to our great infra-structure.
Objective Of Establishing Model Colleges
With a vision to develop some colleges in the State as ideal colleges to inculcate quality in the higher education and to make the State a leading State in the field of Higher Education. The objective of establishing ideal colleges is to make these colleges of National standards with such amenities and facilities so that they may be a source of inspiration and providers of guidelines for other colleges of the State.
Expectations From Model Colleges
These colleges would keep themselves aware and updated with all healthy traditions and latest technologies & techniques of higher education and inculcate them in their colleges as and when needed. These model colleges would provide academic, managerial and other specialized guidance to the colleges of their divisions so that a chain improvisation, up gradation and quality may begin.
It would be expected that the model colleges would the highest exhibit the highest norms of work culture creativity, awareness and accountability.
Beneficiaries Of Model Colleges
Model colleges would work on the principle of 'sarvajan hitay' (welfare of all) and `janana vardhanaya`(increasing knowledge)
Quality Education
Personality Development
Cost-Effective Education
Better Employability
Skill Development
Faculty Members
Capacity Building
Better work environment
Job satisfaction
Managerial Skills
Better and Effective Management
Better Results
Development of Infrastructural facilities
Prestige Enhancement
I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.